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SCAA - South County Soccer

Player Information

This webpage is central place for you to come for SCAA player information on player equipment, expected behavior and health to include:

Player Equipment
Uniform Sizing
Expected Behavior
Player Heath and Nutrition

Player Equipment

All players will need the following for Practices and Games

  • Soccer Cleats (must not have cleat on toe - Football / Baseball cleats would need toe cleat removed)
  • Shin Guards - With long socks covering shin guards. Shin guards must be worn at ALL TIMES.
  • Soccer ball - Proper sized and inflated (we do individual drills so players without balls will be at an disadvantage to other players)
    • Size 3 Soccer Ball - U8 & below
    • Size 4 Soccer Ball - U9, U10, U11, and U12
    • Size 5 Soccer Ball - U13 & up
  • Plenty of water - They will get a great workout so they need plenty of water during training sessions and games

Additionally, they will need to wear their uniform for Games.


The South County Athletic Association (SCAA) rec uniform package includes two SCAA jerseys, 1 pair of shorts and 1 pair of socks. All players must wear shin guards at all times for practices and games with no exception. Shin guards can be found at your local sporting goods store. The SCAA uniform package can be purchased during the registration process.

Expected Behavior

By Parents:

  1. "Positive encouragement is good; negative comments are bad."
  2. “Cheering is good, but do not yell at your child or anyone else’s child during the game. It can be distracting & what you tell them may be different from what the coaches are saying. If you would like to be an assistant coach, please call me, I would love your help.”
  3. “Be careful not to say anything that might be taken the wrong way or hurt someone’s feelings. Remember: this is for fun & these are children.”
  4. “Be a good role model & a good sport.”
  5. “Do not yell at the referees or say anything bad to or about the other team. Never boo the other team or cheer when they make a mistake.”
By Players:

  1. Everyone must follow all directions given by the coaches & assistant coaches
  2. Everyone must hustle & do their best
  3. “When I talk you must be still & listen”
  4. I expect everyone to be a good sport whether we win or lose (this includes parents)
  5. “No cursing or name calling” 
  6. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.
  7. Keep your hands to yourself 

Player Health and Nutrition

Medical:Player health is extremely important. Possible injuries at any age needs to be taken care of and monitored. RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation)

  • Rest  - Stop exercising. Continued motion forces blood into damaged area.
  • Ice - Use ice continuously for the first 15 minutes, then 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off for the first hour.
  • Compression -  To prevent swelling, wrap the injury with an elastic bandage.
  • Elevation - If possible, raise the injury body part above the chest level.

Real ice works well, and is easier on skin than chemical cold packs. However, instant cold packs are easier to keep handy. Use a towel or wrap to keep cold packs off the skin, as they are colder than real ice. Discourage players & parents from seeking a player’s early return from an injury. Returning too soon will often lead to reinjures.

Nutrition: Soccer players need energy, which comes from food, to achieve and maintain top-notch athletic performance; young athletes need even more energy to fuel growth and development.

  • Carbohydrates provide the primary source of energy for the high intensity nature of soccer; insufficient carbohydrates can result in fatigue and decreased performance.
  • Carbohydrates can be found in both starchy and sweet foods, such as rice, breads, cereal, pasta, vegetables, frozen yogurts, and sports drinks.
  • Players should eat at least a small meal 2 to 4 hours before a game to prevent “starving” the muscles of the fuel they will need in order to effectively perform.
  • Bring foods and drinks for a snack break during the game to supply for the second half of the game.
  • The after game snack should include carbohydrates - rich foods to replenish and re-fuel tired muscles.
  • Carbohydrates – rich foods should make up 55-65% of the total calories in the diet.
  • Young players need 200-300 grams of carbohydrates per day.
  • Amounts of carbohydrates in some common foods:

Bagel - 35 to 40 grams Sport drinks (8 fl.oz) - 15 to 20 grams Granola bars - 10 to 20 grams Orange - 18 grams Toasted oat cereal (3/4 cup)  - 12 grams Frozen yogurt bar - 10- to 20 grams

Prevent Dehydration: Adequate hydration is one of the simplest but most important things players need to feel and perform well.

  • Kids dehydrate easier than adults. A 90lb player can begin to feel ill after losing as little as a pint of fluid and can approach life threatening heat stroke after losing a quart. In hot weather that’s easy to do during a game.
  • Players should drink fluids frequently, and in small amounts during play especially in hot or humid weather.
  • Water, sports drinks, and diluted fruit juices are all good choices for fluid replacement during game play.
  • Caffeine found in some sodas removes water from the body and should be avoided for immediate fluid replacement.
  • There is no magic to orange slices at halftime, especially since some players don’t like them. Plain, cool water, in whatever amount they want will do players the most good.

Concussion Checklist



Appears dazed or stunned (such as glassy eyes)

Headache or "pressure" in head.

Is confused about assignment or position.

Nausea or vomiting.

Forgets an instruction or play.

Balance problems or dizziness.

Is unsure of score or opponent.

Double or blurry vision.

Moves clumsily or poor balance.

Sensitivity to light or noise.

Answers questions slowly.

Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy.

Loses consciousness (even briefly)

Concentration or memory problems.

Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes.


Can't recall events PRIOR to hit or fall.

Feeling more emotional, nervous, or anxious.

Can't recall events AFTER hit or fall.

Does not "feel right' or is "feeling down."


  • All concussions are serious
  • Most concussions occur without loss of consciousness
  • Recognition and proper response to concussions when they first occur can help prevent further injury
  • When in doubt, sit them out